
Saturday, January 11, 2014

Phase 1: Unfinish Basement Project


As for phase 1 of my making my unfinished basement pretty, I organized the junk and painted a mural wall.I heart birch trees and I really wanted them on wallpaper in my house somewhere. However, I never found one that I liked. As, I was searching for inspiration for our basement I came acrossed this idea from a blog and just had to do it! I grabbed 4 cans of leftover paint and mixed them until I had about 3/4 gallon. I used the white already on the walls for the trees and free handed the rest using the lady's picture from her blog as a guide. If you count a few foam brushes I bought, a bucket to mix my paint and new light bulbs then this project cost about $8 and an a few hours. Love it!

before pictures

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